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AOL Mail Norrin

This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

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953 results found

  1. stop erasing additions to draft, mistaking as already sent

    try adding to email draft, but system erases, notes already sent. NOT sent. Suspect system mistakes reference recent other emails to same destination, same topic. Need fix problem with AOL email system.

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  2. AOL fees

    My AOL is terribly expensive and my inbox is loaded with junk! What am I paying so much for? Can I get a free version of AOL?

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  3. ******** AOL


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    I like the old format. It is easy to work with. Old format was friendly and easy to work with.

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  5. SPAM

    I get certain emails all the time...and now, all of a sudden, and it's hit or miss, you're asking me if its save of not. If I've interacted with the sender before, especially for YEARS, stop asking me that stupid question. Sometime multiple times almost near each other.

    Certainly you have a way to figure out the algorithm, right? You're a tech company, right? Then I get emails that are obviously spam that end up in my in box.

    Get your act together please.

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  6. Calendar not functioning - cannot edit or add events

    My Calendar not Functioning cannot add or edit event

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  7. Thanksgiving themes, Christmas themes, New Year's Day themes, Valentine themes, etc, etc, etc

    I am totally agreeing with the 83rd ranked, holiday themes are very important such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, etc., etc., etc. The previous version when we used the AOL program or whatever you want to call it had those themes.

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  8. I cannot copy and paste from Word documents properly in the new AOL format.

    When I copy and paste from a Word document into the New AOL Mail it adds a carriage return, line feed to each of my carriage return line feeds and thus adds a bunch on white space throughout my documents, frequently turning a 3 page document into a 5 - 6 page document. This did not happen in the Old AOL Mail. When I save each document as a text document and then copy and paste from the text document the extra carriage return line feeds does not happen. What I found is if I match the font style and…

    110th ranked

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  9. block more senders from my spam mailbox. Currently I can only block certain emails from spam.

    I would like to be able to block all spam. Why am I not able to block all spam mail? Sometimes I get repeated spam and can only delete and not block.

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  10. Go back toi the way it was

    I don't like this new format. The way the older system was set was easy and quick for me to use. I am not impressed by this change. Please set it back/

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  11. Joe Biden christmas ads? Get rid of them!!!!

    Why the heck are we getting "donate to Joe Biden" ads after we send our email???? Why are we not getting "donate to Donald Trump" ads as an option? This is offensive, please remove Joe Biden donation ads from my email services.

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  12. I've just spent about 30 minutes on the phone with Alex, who has been great! She tells me there is nothing that can be done!

    When you "upgraded" the system last year, whenever I wanted to open an attachment to an email, that attachment had to be downloaded to my download files. BIG PROBLEM!! I now have HUNDREDS of files in my "Download" files I don't want, don't need, and can only delete ONE BY ONE. This is insane!!!! This change is a total DOWNGRADE and must be REVERSED as soon as possible!!!

    Thanks, ****

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  13. The search function does not work well at all and does not search all mail.

    Bring back the old search function. The search button that was by the compose button functioned effectively and one could actually FIND what you were looking for. The current button does NOT locate all the searched for emails. Very frustrating.

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  14. Go back to old format or give us a choice

    Simple choice button works best.

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  15. How to improve it? GO BACK to the original version.

    Just go back to the standard version

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  16. Without being able to sort by sender, I am no longer interested in having AOL

    WHen you are cleaning out your inbox, sorting by sender is the easiest way to mass delete when you get a ton of emails. Taking this away, means you most likely lost my business.

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  17. 468th ranked

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  18. AOL's new Search failure -

    when doing a SEARCH, AOL no longer searches the TRASH or SPAM folders. WHY NOT ????? The folders are still e-mail. or else give an option to search these

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  19. stop putting Informed Delivery in SPAM, now I don't receive it at all after marking NOT SPAM

    STOP marking Informed Delivery as SPAM. I marked it 'NOT SPAM' and a week after reporting to you and Postmaster, I still am not receiving any Informed Delivery in my emails. Second time you did this. This is your problem, not USPS!

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  20. blocking subscriptions

    Why do you keep blocking emails from people in my contact list ? I subscribe the newsletter to a different email address and so you block them on the new email. It is not in spam. Why is you algorithm doing this ? You want people to use your email and you are doing everything to chase them away

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