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AOL Mail Norrin

This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!

Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.

Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.

918 results found

  1. make the curser bar bigger and visible

    to toggle down on emails the right bar needs to be visible and stop disappearing .

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  2. Bring back the counters for all the boxes not just the in box!

    Bring back the counters for all the boxes not just the in box!

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  3. snooze

    please add a SNOOZE function to email

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  4. How Can I Hide The Sub-Folders Behind The Parent Folder When Moving An E-Mail?

    One, I LOVE It That AOL Finally Allows Sub-Folders!! And The Sub Folders Can Be Hidden Underneath The Parent Folder On The Left Hand Side, Which Is Great!!

    But, When I Go To Move An E-Mail From My Inbox To A Folder, The Sub-Folders Are Not Hidden, So That Means There Are Way Too Many Folders & Sub-Folders To Scroll Through. It Would Work Much Better If The The Sub-Folders Could Be Hidden Under The Parent Folders When Moving An E-Mail, Just As You Have That Option On The Left Hand Side. For An Example, Check Out Xfinity Or…

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  5. Preview Screen

    PREVIEW SCREEN - We should be able to change the background color when viewing/previewing a photo. 18% gray, as it currently is, doesn't work. We should be able to add more contrast by choosing a black background.

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  6. Delete Process is not Operating Correctly

    3) Old and New Ver problem, when someone is is replying to and email and selects a large block or all of the text to delete it. The entire file is deleted, one must go to Deleted files to recover it. It should never delete a file from within a file as just described.
    2) New version: The Reply anchor to an open file should be at the top or at the top and bottom. I get large files of multi-reply add on comments that are maintaining a legal dispute.
    3) Deleted and recovered files do not have a reply…

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  7. High Importance or Low Importance

    What happened to the mail priorities?

    High and Low Importance??

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    Why is AOL still asleepr after ALL these years since since 1999 becoming a user. No progress in expanding or enhancing the platform but I see a new £6.99 per month Gold plan. How can I call an international number...and I am in the the technical department to request an answer on "auto responder" to be then told that it is NOT technical department who deals with the issue and I MUST send a feed back. So now I must be in the play pen to play with all the toys to find out which one squeeks to then…

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  9. want to make my new password the default but cant find where to do it.

    want to make my new password the default but cant find where to do it.

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  10. Label

    Why is my aol account labelled as, "Dating Time Club"?? How do I get rid of that?

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  11. settings

    allow me to single space rather than double space. Give me back my old version.

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  12. Avoir la possibilité de faire apparaitre la ligne Cc et la ligne Cci par défaut lors de l'écriture d'un mail

    Avoir la possibilité de faire apparaitre la ligne Cc et la ligne Cci par défaut lors de l'écriture d'un mail

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  13. Noiseless "beeps"...

    Please make the "beep" announcing new e-mail quieter, or take it off...

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  14. Verification code

    Why wont you support Apple for my verification code?

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  15. subscription

    The Subscription button should also be available for more than the main email account. Documents, Pictures, Subscriptions and Travel for all email accounts not just the main account

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  16. Disposable Email Addresses

    Please consider making disposable email addresses available for AOL Mail like Yahoo Mail already has. It is very useful for limiting spam.

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  17. mettre une barre de recherche sur le net

    la barre de recherche sur le net a été remplacée par une barre de recherche interne ....Merci de remettre une barre de recherche pour le net

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  18. Fix new aol mail to make it possible to add new contacts. I've tried it in 3 browsers and 2 computers. Call the help line.Had to switch back

    I tried to add a contact to a list in new aol mail on 2 computers and 3 browsers to no avail. Went into help and found instructions that were impossible to follow. Called the help line and was told all my browsers needed to be cleaned, even in a one week old computer. Switched back to old aol mail and added the contact in 2 minutes. FIX new aol mail PLEASE!

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  19. pop up text with audio

    Why is there an annoying and distracting dark grey text box that appears while I'm typing in mail ? It drives me crazy.

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  20. let me control spam. you have flagged important email ONLY bills and i dont get them then they get deleted

    i just discovered i cannot control spam filter. i believe important bills that only come in ermail form (which i hate) aol has flagged as spam then deletes?!
    STOP the practice now please!

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