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96 results found

  1. 12th ranked

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  2. Enable e-mails to be downloaded into designated folders

    Enable e-mails to be downloaded into designated folders.

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  3. Cannot comment on AOL News, aol help said tech and they will fix BUT now all accounts have NO voice Why?

    Fix the site, otherwise I will switch to GMail and you will lose adverting revenue when everybody else does.

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  4. All the stories say "commenting has ended" even when it hasn't.

    Every story says "commenting has ended". However, if I go to the sight directly (copy and then paste the address) it will let me comment. When I go to it through the alert system, it says it has ended.

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  5. provide email address to contact AOL

    my email address is being blocked from conversations after news articles. How do I contact AOL to fix this problem ???

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  6. Please bring back the blocked words feature for inappropriate disgusting words and also, when I block an email address in AOL, block it!

    Please bring back the blocked words feature so we can block disgusting inappropriate words, and when I block an email address, actually block it!

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  7. E-mail blocking system

    Every day I receive dozens of uselss American spam E-mails which all begin with "contact@.." followed by a different address for each one. Apparently the only way I can block these E-mails is to block each individual message which would take hours. A simple one step by which all E-mails beginning "contact@..." can be blocked would be very useful and timesaving

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  8. Database timing

    I often note a a pop up saying new post, yet when I go to the post it is three minutes old and therefore out of synch from the service, this happens at anytime, and needs to be resolved for sanity sake. We know that the values have posted so the reporting to us needs to be brought back up to nearly full speed.

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  9. Stop blocking comments on certain things and allowing them on others

    Its clear that any subject dealing with LGBT people have blocked comments, while you allow any story where blacks are doing bad things, allowing for white comments about "blacks doing all the crime"
    You blocked comments where republican white people are mass shooting. A space where those speaking against white bad behavior could comment. Hmmm

    So lets see, you allow for attacking blacks, protect homosexuals, and whte people from anyone speaking bad about how THEY behave. it.. in other words, youre protecting the likely ones you hire..Asians, white homosexuals.

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  10. Signature Logo

    We should be able to add a png. or jpeg. logo to the signature function on emails. We can do this on other providers such as Hotmail but unable to on aol

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  11. by covering sport and other news in N.I. Scotland and Wales

    stop the bias,we are after all BRITISH not english

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  12. Stop being lazy.

    Simply directing us to your community guidelines to review the rules WE DIDN"T BREAK is NOT an answer to why you reject comments.
    DO YOU UNDERSTAND? Yes or no? Very simple.
    Stop rejecting comments which do not violate guidelines. WHY IS THIS SO HARD FOR YOU? Get it through your skulls!

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  13. Generated App Passwords are critical in today's world. You need TO FIX THIS NOW

    Account info from desktop brings you to a dead error page, rather than the options it's supposed, including but not limited to "generate a app password." I have just lost countless decades of critical information on an app that was using my aol login, but now requires an app password be generated, which is ONLY FOUND under account info and your account info section has an error for many months and AOL is ignoring this, it must be fixed, it's hurting people's lives and functionality.

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  14. Account Info is not working but instead giving error messages NEED ACCESS TO ACCT INFO!

    Account info from desktop brings you to a dead error page, rather than the options it's supposed, including but not limited to "generate a app password." I have just lost countless decades of critical information on an app that was using my aol login, but now requires an app password be generated, which is ONLY FOUND under account info and your account info section has an error for many months and AOL is ignoring this, it must be fixed, it's hurting people's lives and functionality.

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  15. Bring back Navy Blue color for Emails!

    You no longer make Navy Blue an option for emails....I used it regularly and would like it back!

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  16. The new print to pdf functionality is awsome

    I just saved to pdf a letter and was awed that it kept the url's intact. Thank you.

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  17. add used storage in aol mail

    add used storage in aol mail

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  18. Line spacing has changed in AOL Email window - ******* the Eyes

    AOL has changed the line spacing in the Emails window, where you can see all of your Email. It is very ******* the eyes. This seems to have occurred in the last two weeks.

    In your old layout, there was more space between the email title, and the line that shows the beginning of the email content. The space was important. With the new layout, it is very ******* the eyes.

    I called AOL Tech support about this, and they denied there was a change. However, I have screenshots that prove it.

    Can you please put this space back…

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  19. Allow us to update our birthdays

    Please allow us to update our birthdays. I put in the wrong date and now I can't change it.

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  20. contact suggestion

    When I try to write an email, and I try to type the email address that I want to sent an email to is not showing as a suggestion to click directly on the email, and also sometimes they are not showing in the contact list but before i had them into the contact list. I'm using the web mail and also tried the Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser and also with incognito window and also cleared the cache and cookies. same problem. On the phone is working, Iphone on the mail app provided by apple, the only problem…

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